The Godfathers Daughter Mafia Blues
Dead Man's Hand
Illusions perdues
Manou The Swift
痴情快婿 - Fun and Fury
標錯參 - To Err Is Humane
衝鋒隊:怒火街頭 - Big Bullet
表姐,妳好嘢!- Her Fatal Ways
最佳賊拍檔 - The Outlaw Brothers
殭屍福星仔 - Vampire Kids
天使行動 - Iron Angels
霹靂大喇叭 - Where Is Officer Tub?
Hard Boiled
義膽群英 - Just Heroes
愈墮落愈英雄 - Cheap Killer
城市女猎人 - Madame City Hunter
Vampire Vs Vampire
Iron Angels 3