Onoda, 10 000 nuits dans la jungle Trailer

Onoda, 10 000 nuits dans la jungle Vietsub - HD

Onoda: 10,000 Nights in the Jungle

167 Phút

Country: BỉĐứcNhật BảnPhápÝ

Director: Arthur Harari

Actors: イッセー尾形カトウシンスケ井之脇海仲野太賀千葉哲也吉岡睦雄松浦祐也津田寛治足立智充遠藤雄弥

Genres: Chiến Tranh, Chính kịch, Phiêu Lưu

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Movie plot

Japan, 1944. Trained for intelligence work, Hiroo Onoda, 22 years old, discovers a philosophy contrary to the official line: no suicide; stay alive whatever happens; the mission is more important than anything else. Sent to Lubang, a small island in the Philippines where the Americans are about to land, this role will be to wage a guerrilla war until the return of the Japanese troops. The Empire will surrender soon after; Onoda, 10,000 days later.

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